
Margaret Benyon, El Brown, Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez,
Viking Eggeling, Michael Fullerton, Olivier Garbay, Phillipa Horan,
Alban Hajdinaj, Simon Popper, Semiconductors, Matthew Tickle,
Alex Veness, Toby Zeigler

18th October - 27th November 2008

Phillipa Horan

Olivier Garbay

courtesy of JR Holocollection

Simon Popper

Alban Hajdinaj

Matthew Tickle

Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez

Toby Ziegler

Michael Fullerton

Phillipa Horan

I'm Dasein...

From the early inceptions of systematic western thought, a dichotomy has existed between the concepts of techne and episteme, the two flowering lobes of human intellectual endeavour. In questing for the early philosophic truth – how can we know – it was necessary to slice up bits of what knowledge we evidently possessed, and, in compartmentalising, reveal root identity and cause. It was therefore inevitable that the understanding of that which reassuringly does not admit of change, such as the mathematic, took precedence over that which does: our creative ability.
Prometheus has long been the modern muse, thumbing his nose at the gods with his grand larceny, his stolen fire standing easy cipher for inspiration, in his audacity humbling Caliope to second fiddle, in his eternal Titanic torture a model of artistic sacrifice. Even his name, the fore-thinker, appeals in its marriage to eureka as a mark of well-rounded creativity. How easily these merry dancing flames impressed us. Epimetheus is what makes the myth interesting. It is in the act of forgetting to grant us any one extraordinary virtue that Epimetheus gave us our mortality, our awareness that our existence on earth is finite. By prevailing on his brother, he provided us with techne – with art, and the artistry to create. By depriving us of anything else, he made it essential to our survival.
In his 1994 book Technics and Time, vol. 1, Bernard Stiegler, the French philosopher and former bank robber argues that technics develops faster than culture, that man and technics are indissociable, and that the phenomenon of hominization is the phenomenon of the technicisation of living. He argues that until the industrial revolution mankind lived in a technological milieu which experienced progress so slowly and infrequently that it failed to realise it lived within historical time, and that it took this technological rupture to awaken us, through Hegel, to historical consciousness. Before this the main train of western philosophical thought ploughed the firm line that stability was the essence of reality, and all change or revolution was accidental. After this rupture, through Marx and Nietzsche, we understand that stability is the exception, and change is the norm. Change, revolution and creation: these acts of becoming are essential to our state of being.
So here we see two stories about birth, one of the human, one of the modern, and the show sets out to reassert the value of both, using their genesis as ours. It is therefore important we put these ideas in the context of contemporary culture, in which 'modern' seems to have been reduced to a mere signifier for implied alienation through atomisation. By industrialising so much of our lives and deaths, ie, taking it out of human hands and placing it in the metaphorical hands of machines, we fear we are sacrificing something essential to our nature. On the contrary, this show would argue that it has afforded us far greater personal liberty, and this freedom to think has merely left many scared of the revealed Nietzschean abyss. It would be contrary to argue that mass media wasn't an instrument of control, but on the other hand it is utterly facile to claim that within western culture it is inescapable. It is through arguments like this that the modernist program of personal liberation has been stalled, and converted into a non-progressive post-modernism. In light of the present major global corrections to the course of late capitalism, we have decided to attempt to recapture a sense of progressive urgency by considering Marx's demand for an evolutionary sense of human technics comparable to our understanding of biology.
For much of the recent period there has been a drawn out squabble on the nature of so called late capitalism, and the emergence of a post-modernist aesthetic to compliment it. One prevalent strain of accepted wisdom has run that the automatized culture of late capitalism causes the subject to with draw into itself, the atom severing its surrounding molecular links, reducing the superstructure to incoherence, and as a result it can only define itself through consumption, building bridges by wearing badges. This is all straight forward to the lay sociologist; so far, so much the better. It is, however, the response to this, the conscious methodology which sets out to examine culture entirely through reference to itself, that has led to a barely bitter entropy. The assumption that it is possible to construct a discourse of any lasting coherence that is founded on itself is one that is entirely circular, cyclical, repetitive and regressive. Couple this with a sceptical attitude towards technological progress, and weʼre left with intellectual nano-mush. By embracing technics this show would attempt to dispel the insidious feeling that optimism, in its broadest sense, is naive, stemming from the natural, if entirely reactionary human sensibility that things are always getting worse.
The culture of the modernist period was preoccupied with trying to articulate the nature of contemporary existence. As such, post-modernism, the sick joke at the expense of avant gardism, canʼt be criticised for attempting to reflect a world it is unable to comprehend. It is its presupposition of reactive withdrawal that makes it unacceptable. The empty time made available for leisure through western progress has opened up huge vistas of empty mental space on which to project wild fantasies of bright futures. Instead, it is the default mode to retreat in fear, connecting only with the television, and a popular culture enchained to debasement and vulgarity. The prevalence of the cute and garish in visual culture, and the incestuous forced marriage of fun with childishness that this arises from, pure white flecked with contaminating fluo-pink, are a sure marker of how long weʼve avoided the serious and interesting questions that come with adult responsibility. The whole era of cheap credit has borne a mindless generation nauseous from a glut of entitlement. As it ends, we must seize the chance to embrace change, development and progress through art and technology as our Epimethean largesse.
To conclude, Iʼd like to rest upon the contradictory figure of Martin Heidegger at once both so modern and so reactionary, who determined that it was as important to understand what it is to be, as it was to figure out what sort of environment that being was in. Dasein, that glorious exclamation of existence, is an intriguing concordance of the ideas discussed above and very much else besides, which asserts an active being within a temporal framework. All the work exhibited is in some way concerned with marking our cultural progress through technology, and using this relationship to explore the very nature of our existence. In this marriage of the concepts of techne and episteme, therefore, let us absorb the past, revel in dasein, and thrill to the future.

Jackson Boxer
October 2008




Once upon a time there were gods only, and no mortal creatures. But when the time came that these also should be created, the gods fashioned them out of earth and fire and various mixtures of both elements in the interior of the earth; and when they were about to bring them into the light of day, they ordered Prometheus and Epimetheus to equip them, and to distribute to them severally their proper qualities. Epimetheus said to Prometheus: "Let me distribute, and do you inspect." This was agreed, and Epimetheus made the distribution. There were some to whom he gave strength without swiftness, while he equipped the weaker with swiftness; some he armed, and others he left unarmed; and devised for the latter some other means of preservation, making some large, and having their size as a protection, and others small, whose nature was to fly in the air or burrow in the ground; this was to be their way of escape. Thus did he compensate them with the view of preventing any race from becoming becoming extinct. And when he had provided against their destruction by one another, he contrived also a means of protecting them against the seasons of heaven; clothing them with close hair and thick skins sufficient to defend them against the winter cold and able to resist the summer heat, so that they might have a natural bed of their own when they wanted to rest; also he furnished them with hoofs and hair and hard and callous skins under their feet. Then he gave them varieties of food-herb of the soil to some, to others fruits of trees, and to others roots, and to some again he gave other animals as food. And some he made to have few young ones, while those who were their prey were very prolific; and in this manner the race was preserved. Thus did Epimetheus, who, not being very wise, forgot that he had distributed among the brute animals all the qualities which he had to give-and when he came to man, who was still unprovided, he was terribly perplexed. Now while he was in this perplexity, Prometheus came to inspect the distribution, and he found that the other animals were suitably furnished, but that man alone was naked and shoeless, and had neither bed nor arms of defence. The appointed hour was approaching when man in his turn was to go forth into the light of day; and Prometheus, not knowing how he could devise his salvation, stole the mechanical arts of Hephaestus and Athene, and fire with them (they could neither have been acquired nor used without fire), and gave them to man. Thus man had the wisdom necessary to the support of life, but political wisdom he had not; for that was in the keeping of Zeus, and the power of Prometheus did not extend to entering into the citadel of heaven, where Zeus dwelt, who moreover had terrible sentinels; but he did enter by stealth into the common workshop of Athene and Hephaestus, in which they used to practise their favourite arts, and carried off Hephaestus' art of working by fire, and also the art of Athene, and gave them to man. And in this way man was supplied with the means of life. But Prometheus is said to have been afterwards prosecuted for theft, owing to the bungle of Epimetheus.

Plato, Protagoras, 320d

Either/Or: Hats Plus at URA, Istanbul



In the Tubingen seminary three young students witnessed with enraptured rejoicing the great days of the revolutionary liberation of France. With youthful enthusiasm they planted a tree in honour of liberty, danced around it, and swore eternal loyalty to the ideal of the great struggle for liberation. Each of these three youths – Hegel, Hölderlin, Schelling – represented in his later development a typical possibility of the German reaction to the course of events in France. Toward the end of his life, Schelling lost himself in the narrow-minded obscurantism of an abject reaction, of a revived Romanticism during the preparatory period of the ‘48 revolution. Hegel and Hölderlin did not betray their revolutionary oath. But when it was a question of realizing it, the difference in their interpretation reveals clearly the ideological courses which the preparation of the bourgeois revolution could and had to follow in Germany.
-Georg Lukács

In 1841, Søren Kierkegaard left Copenhagen for Berlin, to attend the lectures of Friedrich Schelling. While his initial excitement at the promise of hearing Hegel refuted quickly soured to bored disgust when faced with the reality of the old academic’s turgid style, this, his first trip from his home town, provided the opportunity to author his first work of ‘indirect communication’, Either/Or. Like many thinkers, Kierkegaard’s biography is the least interesting thing about him, though unlike his peers it is to this that a large amount of attention has been applied, and the myth of the solitary tortured genius pacing the streets of Copenhagen, which as we shall see was self-created, is one which has distracted many the pursuit of elusive truth in his diffuse writings.
Though Kierkegaard is rarely read at any great length or with any serious consideration or understanding, he belongs alongside Nietzsche, Marx and Freud on the small pantheon of thinkers whose originality and clarity of purpose founded the modern world. He wrote prodigiously, and in a style which deliberately worked against easy intelligibility – often contradictory, generally quite oblique, and more akin to poetry than philosophy in traditional western terms. Like his inheritor, Friedrich Nietzsche, he refuted the value of philosophical systematizing, and was a determined irrationalist. It was with this purpose that he left for Germany, hoping to advance his cause of freeing Philosophy from the constricting systemization of Hegelian methodology.
Temperamentally incapable of adapting himself to the prevailing bourgeois Protestantism of the Denmark of his time, and regarding the ease with which others did so as due to a self-serving superficiality and lack of critical judgement on their part, Kierkegaard turned his brilliant intellect and considerable literary talent to the task of informing his public of its well-protected complacency. As a result, his polemic, and all his writings are polemical, pulls simultaneously in two directions: outwardly against bourgeois norms, and inwardly against his own suffering. In his outward attacks on society, he demanded the disestablishment of religious practice and cant, while inwardly he battled to assert the primacy of existence over externally derived knowledge. Every circumstance combined to make him suffer. His father was obsessed by guilt at the memory of having as a young boy cursed God; his mother was a servant girl whom his father had seduced before marriage; the frail and nervously labile constitution he inherited was further damaged by a fall from a tree. All this contributed to his deep understanding that modern man was living in a state of loss. The traditional was no longer meaningful and there seemed to be nothing to replace it with. His recognition was that he was living at one of those extreme points of history where one can no longer anticipate the future simply on the basis of the past, because we ourselves, knowingly or not, are undergoing a temporal and existential transformation toward the future of a new sustainability of the human being. As Hölderlin put it, “We live in a desperate time; a time when the old gods have flown and the new gods have not yet arrived”.
Essentially he was an affirmative existentialist; he asserted that all propositions presuppose the existence of their terms as a ground e.g. one cannot ask 'Does X exist?, only 'has this existing X the character A or the character B?'. This idea was to be the basis of all the important work done by Heidegger in Germany and Sartre in Paris during the first half of the 20th century. His life and work revolved around a practice he termed "indirect communication". He put a great deal of thought into the construction of this, which he talks about at length in his journals. It was his belief that what he had to say could not be proposed in some direct, blunt manner, so instead he developed a four-part plan to deliberately confuse his readers. Firstly, he published almost everything he wrote pseudonymously, generally picking different names for each work. This functioned not as a vain attempt to conceal his identity in the small, parochial Copenhagen of his day, but to allow him degrees of separation from the text. Secondly, he often writes with a sharp sense of irony, which often makes it very hard to tell whether you should take him entirely seriously or whether he's being sarcastic. Thirdly, he published a stream of what he termed "edifying discourse" to accompany these "aesthetic" works, and lastly, it consisted of setting up a "lived presence" in Copenhagen by walking round very conspicuously every day (his hatred of sunlight meant that he was invariably accompanied by a large umbrella), that would "counteract" or in some way dialectically inflect or subvert the expectations about him personally that had been set up by his works.
What makes Kierkegaard interesting to us? Kierkegaard is an irrationalist, as a result his work is poetic and intuitive rather than being systematic. It must be felt to be understood, making its quality aesthetic in nature, rather than grounded in an external epistemology.
Kierkegaard was interested in creative practice. He deliberately lived his life in way which would conflict with his written work, and within that work created texts which would work against his other texts, hoping to create a climate in which his work would take on an emergent power and authority.
Kierkegaard was a sensitive thinker, who was able to communicate ideas with fluent symbolism, by creating tableaus to be examined from different angles, exploring the nature of subjective truth.
Kierkegaard asserted the primacy of the individual subject, believing the exclamation “I exist” to be unique in the way it functioned.
Kierkegaard was interested in time, and the time of immediate experience, which reinforces the primacy of the individual in relation to the art object.
Every man, says Kierkegaard, lives either aesthetically, ethically or religiously. The experience from which the aesthetic starts, the facts which it sets out to overcome, is the experience of the physical weakness of the self in the face of an overwhelmingly powerful not-self: To survive I must at strongly and decisively. What gives me the power to do so? Passion.
The work for the show was created to function in attendance to these ideas. The canvasses all depict trees. Elemental imagery is prevalent throughout Kierkegaard’s oeuvre, and trees were a strong emotional touchstone for the writer, particularly with reference to himself. Besides the traumatic and formative fall from a tree in his youth, which left him in near constant discomfort for the rest of his life, he often visualised himself as a lonely fir tree, an image which Karl Jaspers pointed out was recurrent in Nietzsche, as both revolutionary thinkers came to terms with their intellectual uniqueness by visualising themselves as a tree atop an alpine peak, standing tall and alone.
The trees in the picture are all derived from images captured near the river Danube. The river Danube is the subject of the remarkable hymn Der Ister by Hölderlin, which traces the mythical history of the lower Danube, bathing place of Hercules. The reference to Hercules weaves the poem into Kierkegaard’s discussions of Greek religion in aesthetic terms. Hölderlin himself was similar to Kierkegaard, a highly strung visionary creating his work in direct opposition to prevailing bourgeois norms, and yearning for a greater aesthetic appreciation of our existence. Their shared revolutionary coda finds an interesting link in the attendance of Kierkegaard at the lectures of Schelling, also attended by the young Karl Marx, which sent both off in different revolutionary directions. Schelling, Hölderlin and Hegel had, as students at the Tubingen seminary, planted a tree in celebration of the French revolution, dancing around it gaily. This freedom tree, the Freiheitsbaum, is central to mythology of all three, and has an important place at the heart of this show.
Martin Heidegger, the most important philosopher of the twentieth century, owes an enormous debt to Kierkegaard’s existentialism. Some of Heidegger most famous lectures were on the subject of Hölderlin. One of Kierkegaard’s concerns, as that of Heidegger, is with the time of immediate experience – time as encountered by the concretely existing subject. This immediately experienced time, Kierkegaard argues, must clearly and consistently be differentiated from an abstracts, objective measured time which has to be spatialized in order to be known. The time of immediate experience is falsified if it is visualised abstractly in terms of a spatio-temporal coordinate. Time, thus understood, is transformed into a continuing succession of nows or temporal instants coordinated with spatial points. Commonly we think of time as such a succession, says Kierkegaard. We view it as a process of “going-by”, which may properly be understood as a definition of time in general. But this is not the particular time which the self experiences in its concrete immediacy. By defining time as a general process or continuing infinite succession, we already separate time into discrete units of past present and future, which simply become an infinite succession of nows succeeding each other in a definite order coming to be and passing away. But such a definition of time is foreign to immediate experience. The time of immediate experience has in itself no discrete, spatialized succession of nows. When we define time, says Kierkegaard “it seems plausible to define it also as the present, the past and the future. However, this distinction is incorrect, if one means by it that this is implied in time itself.” The implications of this conception of time and its suggested approach to the instantaneous nature of the aesthetic experience is one which is fundamental to the works on display.
Kierkegaard’s conception of indirect communication is central to the show. His desk, which has been recreated, functions as the one artefact tying his life and work together. It has been constructed from elemental materials sourced around Istanbul, which has a strong specificity to the show, the Bosporus being the implied birthplace of the Istros, the river which Hölderlin cries “must flow from the East.” The work was conceived with this in mind, and produced collaboratively under the Hats Plus identifier, which functions pseudonymously to keep the artists at one further remove from the work. The creation of the work is therefore an act which seeks a fusion of time, place, element and identity within the framework of the URA space.

Hats Plus Projects

Hats Plus at URA, Istanbul
31st October - 25th November 2008



Margaret Benyon, El Brown, Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez, Viking Eggeling, Michael Fullerton, Olivier Garbay, Phillipa Horan, Alban Hajdinaj, Simon Popper, Semiconductors, Matthew Tickle, Alex Veness, Toby Zeigler
18th October - 27th November 2008


Penthouse Paintings
a show of paintings by Georgina Nettell
20th September - 17th October 2008


Buy No Wino Buy Lino By Bono
Adham Faramawy, Merlin Carpenter, Cushla Donaldson, Luke Dowd, Dick Evens, Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez, Michael Fullerton, Phillipa Horan, Kim Jones, Ed Francis Lehan, Shane Macgowan, Georgie Nettelle, Richard Zanu PF Parry, Josephine Pryde, Dan Mitchell, Sophie Polioivicz, Simon Popper, Sam Porritt, Natalie Price, Giles Round, Natsuki Uruma, Ben Wallers and Gary Webb
Saturday 26th July - Sunday 24th August

Josephine Pryde

Natalie Price

Kim Jones

Sam Porritt

Giles Round

Cushla Donaldson

Kim Jones

Phillipa Horan

Dick Evans

Richard Parry

Luke Dowd

Gary Webb

Natsuki Uruma

Merlin Carpenter


New Dark Age curated by Dean Kenning
21st March - 13th April 2008


Nueva Dimension curated by Dick Evans
Adham Faramawy, Markus Amm, Hany Armanious , Anders Clausen, Steve Claydon, Maya Deren, Luke Dowd, Michael Fullerton, Seb Patane, Audrey Reynolds , Patrick Ryan, Fergal Stapleton
12th October - 4th Novermber 2007

Adham Faramawy

Marcus Amm

Hany Armanious

Anders Clausen

Luke Dowd

Michael Fullerton

Seb Patane

Audrey Reynolds

Patrick Ryan

Fergal Stapleton

Maya Deren, still from Witch's Cradle


You've Got No Idea What We're Doing This Summer curated by Dan Mitchell in association with Hard Mag
A collaboration with Dan Mitchell and 20 St. Martins students
30th June - 19th July 2007


Viewing Club
Markus Selg, Andreas Hofer, Thomas Helbig, Theo van Ligthart, Tine Furler, Johnathan Meese, Olivia Berkemeyer, Andreas Schömmel, Thomas Zipp, Bianca Schoenig, Hanna-Mari Blenke, Tjorg Beer, Ben Contrell, Joep van Liefland, Andrew Gilbert, Mariola Groener, Dominic Wood, Joe Neve, Rene Luckhardt, Andreas Templin, Querin Bäumler, Govanna Sarti, Heike Kelter, Ulli Wulff, Ulli Hakel, Gregor Hildebrandt, Florin Kompatscher, Martin G. Schmid, Yam, Gunnar Schmidt, Aribert V. Ostrowski, Thomas Sturm, Stefan Mannel, WIEN, Milena Vrtalova, Johann Neumeister, Albert Meyer, Trixi Groiss, Kai Brousmiche, Piotr Lienki, Marc Rebello, Eric Scmidt, Sophie Politiwicz, Jo Pryde, Dick Evans, S. Mack, Simon Popper, Benjamin Alexander Huesby, Lucy Stein, Emely Andersen, Ralph Andersen,, Christian Bahnfield, Haydn Cotton, Dexter Dalwood, Phillip Digle, Tim Flitcroft, To Gidley, Bruce Gilbert, Ian Harper, Derck Harris, David Harris, Jill Journeaux, Simo Lewis, ]Ester Laine, Gavin Lockhardt, Martin Mcginn, Gary Mouet, John Plowmann, Paul Richards, Marc Wright, Virginia Veran, Alice Wilson, Robert Weis